Based in sunny Cape Town

where the wind sometimes blows for days.

A school-mom whose job was about to expire (I'll always be a mommy-bear) with my youngest one matriculating.
What now, no degree except raising children - how does a person enter the work force at 50+.

Maybe do a course or two - how many courses can a woman do - so i’m slightly over qualified now with numerous courses behind my name and many new talents.

From soap making, wood working, online marketing just to name a few.

Then came my leather training course and the penny dropped - I could make something to sell and my love for leather making started.

But with the changing times I realized that we all have to do our part in creating something sustainable hence our new Eco Range. One small step makes a big difference.

Our Eco Range consists of: Eco Conscious Leather, Cork and Recycled Felt commonly known as RFELT or PET Felt.

Our RFelt is sourced from South African plastic waste and manufactured in South Africa into RFelt - so supporting local, you are helping the 1st person in the economy cycle - the recycler collecting bottles to generate an income.

The bigger picture of our small company is to create a business box for a person to generate an income.

As I’m sure there is more of me out there and by helping one person to create an income. That person can help another person and soon more people around them will be empowered. My yellow brick leather will be a yellow wall with lots of yellow bricks

If I can make it - so can you.